Titel: "You Went Away Too Far"                

Komponist: James V. Monaco

Texter: Alfred Bryan

Verlag: Henry Waterson Inc., New York

Erscheinungsjahr: 1926

Druckerei: Keine Angabe

Graphiker: Barbelle

Sammlungsnummer: 5480


Die Botschaft einer Frau an ihren Partner weit weg:


Sorry, dear, what's the use no excuse,

All of your pleeding's in vain.

You have lost your chance,

Gone is our romance.

Soory, dear, someone else now is here,

Taking your place to remain,

Love has lost it's flame,

And you're all to blame.



You went away too far, you stayed away too long,

You thought that you were right but now you know you were wrong.

You should have known the danger when you left behind.

'Cause I'm kind that must have love all the time.

I needed company, a little sympathy,

A hug or two when one is blue will help things along.

I met somebody with a heart and soul,

He squeezed my hand and then I lost control,

You went away too far; and stayed away too long!


Hurry up, run away, don't delay,

this is a dangerous place.

Someone else will be,

Here at half past three.

Someone who doesn't care much for you,

May change the smile on your face,

Throw your Ford in high,

Here's your hat "good bye".




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