Titel: "Why Did You Make Me Care"
Komponist: Alfred Soleman
Texter: Sylvester Maguire
Verlag: Joe Morris Music Co., New York
Erscheinungsjahr: 1912
Druckerei: Keine Angabe
Graphiker: Cahan
Sammlungsnummer: 6783
Eine Frau ist unglücklich:
You say that you must leave me,
That you and I must part,
Why should you want to grieve me,
I gave you all my heart;
When first you called me "dearie",
The whole world seemed so fair,
But now you're growing weary,
Why did you make me care?
Why did you make me care,
Why bring me dreams so rare,
You told me that sweethearts should never part,
Then why do you leave me and break my heart?
Why should we meet no more,
Why can't we love as before,
The world looked so rosey, and life so fair,
We've always been together,
True sweethearts all these years,
Thro' bright and stormy weather,
Thro' laugher and thro' tears;
But now you've made me doubt you,
It's more than I can bear,
I cannot live without you,
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