Titel: "When The Angelus Is Ringing"                

Komponist: Bert Grant

Texter: Joe Young

Verlag: Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co., New York

Erscheinungsjahr: 1914

Druckerei: F.J.Lawson Co., New York

Graphiker: John Frew

Sammlungsnummer: 7057


Ein Liebeslied aus der guten alten Zeit:


Love time, love time can't you understand when it is love time

Birds sing bells ring, love just seems to ring with ev'ry chime,

Ding dong dong ding, loves messages they bring.



When the angelus is ringing in the belfry on the hill,

And the whippoor will singing in the night, when all is still,

I am waiting for the time I can come to you and sing loves sweet song.

While the silv'ry bells peal out their dong ding dong,

Down the road of love we'll wander 'mid the violets perfume

to the little cottage yonder when we'll spend our honey moon;

And as we go through life from year to year,

Cares and worries disappear, when the angelus is ringing dear

when the angelus is dear.


Two hearts true hearts all the world is full of loving sweethearts

I'll bring the ring, to the pealing of each silv'ry chime,

Ding dong ding, all nature seems in rhyme.




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Bei You Tube gibt es einen Clip, in dem "The Peerless Quartet" das Lied 1914 vorträgt.