Titel: "When It's Moonlight On The Mississippi"
Komponist: Arthur Lange
Texter: Billy Vanderveer
Verlag: Joe Morris Music Co., New York
Erscheinungsjahr: 1915
Druckerei: Keine Angabe
Graphiker: De Takacs
Sammlungsnummer: 7621
Der Mississippi bezaubert:
Can't you hear those whistles blowing,
Steamboat's coming 'round the bend.
Ev'ry night in dreams I'm going.
Where of sunshine there's no end,
Back, back to my dear old southern home,
Soon I'm goin' to roam.
When it's moonlight on the Mississippi,
Ev'rybody acts just like they're dippy,
Hear those banjos ring, darkies sing.
They're strumming and humming "My Old Kentucky Home",
Pickaninnies dancing on the levee,
Mammy's shuflin' along, so big and heavy,
That's the paradise for me.
Moonlight makes me sigh for Dixie,
And the town where I was borne.
Soon a train I'll take for Dixie.
To the fields of waving corn,
Back, back to the Venice of our land,
You all know it's grand.
In der Rubrik "Geographisches", Unterpunkt "Mississippi und Missouri" gibt es weitere Notenblätter, die den Mississippi würdigen.