Titel: "Waltzing In The Clouds", Lied aus dem Film "Spring Parade"                

Komponist: Robert Stolz

Texter: Gus Kahn

Verlag: B. Feldman & Co., London

Erscheinungsjahr: 1940

Druckerei:Keine Angabe

Graphiker: Keine Angabe

Sammlungsnummer: 3384


Einer der Paradesongs von Deanna Durbin:


I was a mortal with feet on the ground,

There I was standing with people around,

Lovely music started somewhere,

And I started floating on air.

Into a dream world I wander'd afar,

I saw you smile and I reach'd for a star,

Could it happen?

Would it happen?

I only know, here we are,



Waltzing, waltzing high in the clouds,

Drifting, dreaming far from the crowds,

Over a moonbeam we stroll away,

While the world below seems to roll away, and we go

Waltzing, waltzing high in the clouds,

Only you and I in the clouds,

Noone will hear when you call me your dear one

While waltzing high in the clouds.


What if I fell for the spell of a dance?

Leading me into a world of romance,

Where while love was guiding my feet,

Music made the moment complete.

If it was only a dream that I knew,

Only a dream that can never come true,

Leave me dreaming,

Fondly dreaming,

I'll be forever with you.


Chorus und weitere Zeile am Schluß:

You and I waltzing high,

Waltzing in the clouds.


In der Rubrik "Top Komponisten" gibt es weitere Informationen zu Robert Stolz.


In der Rubrik "Top Musiker" gibt es Informationen zu Deanna Durbin, der Sängerin des Liedes.


Bei You Tube gibt es eines Clip mit dem Lied aus o.g. Film gesungen von Deanna Durbin.