Titel: "Meet Me To-Night in Dreamland"                

Komponist: Leo Friedman

Texter: Beth Slater Whitson

Verlag: Will Rossiter, Chicago

Erscheinungsjahr: 1909

Druckerei: Walton Process, Chicago

Graphiker: Keine Angabe

Sammlungsnummer: 6878


Im "Dreamland" finden die Herzen zusammen:


Dreaming of you that's all I do

Night and day for you I'm pining,

And in your eyes, blue as the skies

I can see the lovelight softly shining;

Because you love me there it seems,

Pray meet me in the land of dreams.



Meet me tonight in Dreamland

Under the silv'ry moon

Meet me tonight in Dreamland

Where love's sweet roses bloom;

Come with the lovelight gleaming

In your dear eyes of blue,

Meet me in Dreamland, sweet, dreamy Dreamland.

There let my dreams come true.


Sighing all days when you're away

Longing for you dear, you only;

In blissful dreams, sweetheart it seems

One is never sad and never lonely

And if you'll come with me to stay

We'll live in dreamland night and day.




Bei You Tube gibt es einen schönen alten Clip, in dem Henry Burr o.g. Song 1910 präsentiert.