Titel: "Joan Of Arc They Are Callin You"
Komponist: Jack Wells
Texter: Alfred Bryan, Willie Weston
Verlag: Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co., New York
Erscheinungsjahr: 1917
Druckerei: F.J. Lawson Co., New York
Graphiker: Barbelle
Sammlungsnummer: 4004
Ein emotionaler Song aus der Zeit des Ersten Weltkrieges, in den 1917 die amerikanischen Truppen eingriffen:
While you are sleeping,
Your France is weeping,
Wake from your dreams, Maid of France.
Her heart is bleeding;
Are you unheeding?
Come with the flame in your glance;
Through the Gates of Heaven,
with your sword in hand,
Come your legions to command.
Joan of Arc, Joan of Arc,
Do yours eyes, from the skies, see the foe?
Don't you see the drooping Fleurdelis?
Can't you hear the tears of Normandy?
Let your spirit guide us through;
Come lead your France to victory;
Joan of Arc, they are calling you.
Alsac is sighing,
Lorraine is crying,
Their mother, France, looks to you.
Her sons at Verdun;
Bearing the burden,
Pray for your coming anew;
At the Gates of Heaven,
do you bar your way?
Souls that passed through yesterday.
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