Titel: "I'll See You In Cuba"                

Komponist: Irving Berlin

Texter: Irving Berlin

Verlag: Irving Berlin Inc., New York

Erscheinungsjahr: 1920

Druckerei: Keine Angabe

Graphiker: RS

Sammlungsnummer: 5257


1920 wurde in den Vereinigten Staaten die Prohibition durchgesetzt. Ihr konnte man durch eine Reise nach Cuba entgehen:


Not so far from here,

There's a very lively atmosphere,

Ev'rybody's going there this year;

And there's a reason:

The season opened last July,

Ever since the U.S.A. went dry,

Ev'rybody's going there and I'm going too.



I'm on my way to Cuba there's where I'm going,

Cuba there's where I'll stay.

Cuba where wine is flowing

And where dark eyed Stellas

Light their fellers panatellas

Cuba where all is happy,

Cuba where all is gay;

Why don't you plan a wonderful trip,

To Havanna hop on a ship,

And I'll see you in Cuba.


Take a friends advice,

Drinking in a cellar isn't nice,

Anybody who has got the price;

Should be a Cuban:

Have you been longing for the 'smile'

That you havn't had for quite awhile,

If you have, then follow me and I'll show the way.




Bei You Tube gibt es einen Clip, in dem Billy Murray 1920 o.g. Song singt.