Titel: "I Cover The Waterfront", Lied aus dem gleichnamigen Film
Komponist: John W. Green
Texter: Edward Heyman
Verlag: Harms Inc., New York
Erscheinungsjahr: 1933
Druckerei: Keine Angabe
Graphiker: Keine Angabe
Sammlungsnummer: 5320
Tiefe Sehnsucht strahlt das Lied aus:
Away from the city that hurts and mocks,
I'm standing alone by the desolate docks,
In the still and the cill of the night.
I see the horizon, the great unknown,
My heart has an ache;
It's as heavy as stone.
Will the dawn coming on make it light?
I cover the waterfront,
I'm watching the sea,
Will the one I love be coming back to me?
I cover the waterfront
In search of my love,
And I'm covered by a starless sky above.
Here am I patiently waiting hoping and longing.
Oh! how I yearn! Where are you?
Are you forgetting?
Do you remenber?
Will you return?
For the one I love must soon come back to me.
Bei You Tube gibt es mehrere Clips von dem Song.