Titel: "Eddie" (Steady)                

Komponist: Eddie Cantor

Texter: Dsgl.

Verlag: Bee Tee Pub. Co., New York

Erscheinungsjahr: 1923

Druckerei: Keine Angabe

Graphiker: Politzer

Sammlungsnummer: 4727


Der Komponist Eddie Cantor war gleichzeitig Komiker, Sänger, Schauspieler, Autor und Schreiber von Songs. Dem Broadway-, Radio- und frühem Fernsehpublikum war er wegen seiner großen braunen Augen auch als "Banjo Eyes" bekannt. In seinen sehr erfolgreichen Radiosendungen erzählte er gerne private Details aus dem Familienleben mit seiner Frau Ida uns seinen fünf Töchtern (Quelle: Wikipedia). Und jetzt der Text des Song:


What a loving Romero was Eddie MacDuff

When it came to making love he was a bit rough

He had a girlie oh so cute

And when they sat in the parlor

You'd think that he was an awful brute if you could hear her holler.



Eddie, steady, steady, Eddie,

Please don't hold me tight

'Cause it isn't right Eddie, steady, steady, Eddie,

If you must be sentimental

Treat me just a bit more gentle

Listen honey

Don't get funny

Or I'll call for my Ma right away

I know that you've got the kind of love to hold me

but I'd be dumb if I'd believe the things you told me

Eddie, steady, steady, Eddie

For Rome wasn't build in a day.


They've been keeping company for over a year

All the neighbors know when ever Eddie is near

He never seems to understand

What his sweetie keeps on telling

For when he starts in to hold be hand the neighbors hear her yelling.



Eddie, steady, steady, Eddie,

Gee you get my goat

Here's your hat and coat Eddie, steady, steady, Eddie,

Won't you leave me quit your stalling

Can't you hear my Dad is calling

Can't you stop it stop it stop it

Or I'll call for my Ma right away

I know dear that all your kisses are so tasty

but don't you think that you are just a bit too hasty

Eddie, steady, steady, Eddie,

For Rome wasn't built in a day.


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