Titel: "Chiquita"
Komponist: Mabel Wayne
Texter: L. Wolfe Gilbert
Verlag: Leo. Feist Inc., New York
Erscheinungsjahr: 1928
Druckerei: Keine Angabe
Graphiker: Keine Angabe
Sammlungsnummer: 5586
Die Sehnsucht nach Chiquita beherrscht den Text des Liedes:
Here under blankets of sky,
Shadows of the night find me alone,
I'm asking all the world why
You are not with me,
You who were my own.
Oh come back my darling Chiquita,
The chappel on the hill, covered with dew
Reminds me that tears of sorrow
Await me at dawn tomorrow,
A love kiss I'll beg or borrow
From memory;
Remember the sunset, Chiquita?
The day that we first met, Chiquita?
The rose within your hair,
I scent its fragrance ev'rywhere,
Oh come back Chiquita to me.
Skies full of amber and blue,
Balmy summer breeze that fills the air,
All of my thoughts of you,
Though I'm all alone,
I dream you are there.
In der Rubrik "Top Komponisten" gibt es weitere Informationen über Mabel Wayne, die das Lied komponierte.
In der Rubrik "Top Texter" gibt es weitere Hinweise zu L.Wolfe Gilbert, der das Lied textete.
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